who we are

our purpose

why do we exist?

To glorify God and enjoy Him forever in the local church

The Vision

where are we going?

To help our community be with God by embodying our church’s values

our values

how will we behave?

Just as we have in our first 10 years, we plan to continue adherence
to Reformed theology and the Westminster Standards as we maintain
our connection to the historic Christian Church. We pray to God for
wisdom, courage, humility, and holiness as we seek to see His kingdom
come in all we do.


Christ redeems us, changing our hearts from ugly to loved and turning objects of wrath into objects of love. As such, we seek to see this great truth realized in all areas of life. Primarily, we desire for others who live in the rejection of God to be made new, to experience new life, to be transformed, and experience the overwhelming joy and peace that comes from worshiping the King of the Universe. Additionally, we desire to experience the theme of redemption in even the small things in our lives: to see old things made new, broken things made whole, and dirty things made clean.


We often move straight to action mode without undergirding everything we do with prayer. However, to truly fulfill our calling as followers of Christ, it is imperative that we remember that by ourselves we are nothing, and our worth is in the One who gave his life for us. Therefore, we fulfill our calling out of love, and we approach the throne of God in the confidence of the One who allows us to participate in His work. We are committed to being a people of prayer.

Incarnational ministry

God did not wait for us to come to him to visit his salvation and blessing upon us, but came to us, even becoming one of us, in the person of Christ. In the same way we cannot sit by and expect people to come to us when they have spiritual or physical need. We seek to reflect Christ in meeting others where they are rather than expecting them to come to us. This is true in sharing the gospel of Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving those in need.


 human flourishing

historic christian church

Those to whom much has been given, much is expected. This truth reflects the fact that we who were spiritually poor h8ve been given the riches of Christ through his redeeming work. Consequently, we demonstrate how much we have been given by God, and we seek to be overwhelmingly generous to others, in and out of the church, with our time, finances, talents, and possessions. 
Jesus’ care for the sick and dispossessed of society indicates that He is holistically concerned with mankind. Our concern as Christians for human flourishing is a picture of the redemption that is ours in Christ. It flows out of our understanding that though we were poor, wretched, and despised as enemies of God, we have been made objects of His affection through the cross of Christ. Therefore, we seek the greater good of humanity in all areas of life, and plan to address the local issues of poverty, lack of education, and injustice. Additionally, we desire to be a spiritually and emotionally healthy people who flourish in pursuing God’s will for us. We desire not to place an undue burden on people, but for them to have gospel-balanced lives; to be a church that offers something, not one that only asks.
As a church we lean into the confessional tradition and rich theological history of historic Presbyterianism while also having an ecumenical posture toward other Christian traditions. We stand on the shoulders of those who come before us in order to live out of the richness of historic Christianity.